Why did Egyptian Gods have animal heads

Why did Egyptian Gods Have Animal Heads

In ancient Egyptian mythology, many gods were depicted as being part human and part animal, often with animal heads and human bodies.  This was done to demonstrate certain personalities of the different gods. In this article, we take a closer look at why many Egyptian gods and goddesses had animal heads. What Does Theriocephaly Mean? … Read more

Who is Jenny Greenteeth? English Folklore

Jenny Greenteeth - English Folklore

In the north-west of England, a vicious and malevolent witch-like creature called Jenny Greenteeth haunts unsuspecting victims and is feared by all who know of her.  But who exactly is Jenny Greenteeth? What does she look like? And what is the background of this English folktale? Who is Jenny Greenteeth? Jenny Greenteeth, sometimes known as … Read more

What are the 9 Realms in Norse Mythology?

Nine Worlds Norse Mythology

In Norse mythology there are said to be 9 different realms, sometimes known as the Nine Worlds. Niflheim and Muspelheim spawned from the empty void of Ginnungagap (think Chaos in Greek mythology), whereas the remaining 7 derive from Ymir’s body. They are Alfheim, Asgard, Helheim, Jotunheim, Midgard, Svartalfheim, and Vanaheim.  Here we take a look … Read more

Greek Mythology Creation Story

Greek Mythology Creation Story

Before delving into a journey in ancient Greek mythology, it is important to understand the beginnings of the important Gods in its history. Hesiod, a Greek poet prevalent between 750 to 650 BC, is credited as an authority on the Greek Creation story. In his book – Theogony – Hesiod explains the beginnings of key … Read more

What are the Eleusinian Mysteries? Rituals and Facts

What are the Eleusinian mysteries

Two of the most influential figures in ancient Greek mythology are Demeter and Persephone. Indeed, they were widely deified by citizens of the time and a mystery cult was created in dedication to the two goddesses. Every year, the cult of Demeter and Persephone held a series of invitations called the Eleusinian Mysteries that took … Read more

Who are the 12 Olympian Gods and Goddesses in Greek Mythology

12 Olympian Gods and Goddesses

In total, there were around 400 deities that existed in ancient Greece, some of which are better known than others.  The most famous of them are the 12 Olympian gods and goddesses who resided on Mount Olympus and were ruled by the King of the Gods, Zeus.  Read on for an overview of these 12 … Read more

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Mythologyplanet.com is a place for those with a thirst for knowledge. Be it mythology, history, or geography based, we aim to provide interesting facts for our readers as often as possible with fresh content every week. Mythologyplanet.com was set up by me, Basil, as part of a mission to spread knowledge to wider audiences. Indeed, … Read more

10 Important and Famous Greek Mythology Statues

10 famous Greek mythology statues

The cultural influence of Greek mythology on Western civilization is extensive and significant. Their love of beauty and the arts has been passed on through societies through hymns, poems, literary texts, and other writings.  Some of the most impressive representations of ancient Greece come in sculpted and pictorial form. In fact, Greek mythology statues were … Read more

5 Scary Creatures in Persian Mythology

Scary Persian Mythology monsters

Persian mythology is rich with weird and wonderful creatures and monsters. Some of them, however, have a malevolent nature.  Here are 5 of the scariest creatures from Persian mythology.  RELATED: 5 terrifying female monsters from Greek mythology What are the scariest creatures in Persian mythology? 5. The Manticore The manticore is a ferocious creature whose … Read more