Why did Egyptian Gods have animal heads

Why did Egyptian Gods Have Animal Heads

In ancient Egyptian mythology, many gods were depicted as being part human and part animal, often with animal heads and human bodies.  This was done to demonstrate certain personalities of the different gods. In this article, we take a closer look at why many Egyptian gods and goddesses had animal heads. What Does Theriocephaly Mean? … Read more

What are the 9 Realms in Norse Mythology?

Nine Worlds Norse Mythology

In Norse mythology there are said to be 9 different realms, sometimes known as the Nine Worlds. Niflheim and Muspelheim spawned from the empty void of Ginnungagap (think Chaos in Greek mythology), whereas the remaining 7 derive from Ymir’s body. They are Alfheim, Asgard, Helheim, Jotunheim, Midgard, Svartalfheim, and Vanaheim.  Here we take a look … Read more

Greek Mythology Creation Story

Greek Mythology Creation Story

Before delving into a journey in ancient Greek mythology, it is important to understand the beginnings of the important Gods in its history. Hesiod, a Greek poet prevalent between 750 to 650 BC, is credited as an authority on the Greek Creation story. In his book – Theogony – Hesiod explains the beginnings of key … Read more

What is Stoicism? Philosophy and Principles

What is Stoicism

In recent years, the philosophical concept of Stoicism has made a reappearance in mainstream media, with many adopting its principles into everyday life. Yet, a large chunk of the population may be asking themselves, what is stoicism? Read on to find out the basic philosophical principles of stoicism, it’s history, and how it is applicable … Read more

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Mythologyplanet.com is a place for those with a thirst for knowledge. Be it mythology, history, or geography based, we aim to provide interesting facts for our readers as often as possible with fresh content every week. Mythologyplanet.com was set up by me, Basil, as part of a mission to spread knowledge to wider audiences. Indeed, … Read more