What is a Kobalos in Greek Mythology

What is a Kobalos - Greek mythology

There are many mischievous creatures in Greek mythology, some were outright evil while others were depicted in a more tame manner. A Kobalos is one that falls in the former category.  The Kobaloi are sprites (supernatural entities) that were prevalent in many Greek legends, often being found in the company of Dionysus. Read to find … Read more

Who Was The Twin of Artemis? Facts about the Greek Goddess

Who was the twin of Artemis

Artemis was a much revered goddess in ancient Greek times, and she represented many different things. From childbirth and chastity, to hunting and wild animals, Artemis’ influence over ancient Greek inhabitants was far-reaching.  The twin of Artemis was also a highly influential and revered figure in ancient Greece. But who exactly was the twin of … Read more